
London - Millbank from the Thames c1930s - N212

Millbank from the Thames in London c1930s

London - National Gallery, Trafalgar Square c1930s - N132

The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square in London c1930s

London - Pall Mall by Waterloo Place c1890s - N4600

Pall Mall by Waterloo Place in London c1890s

London - Pall Mall c1890s - N240

Pall Mall looking east towards Trafalgar Square in London c1890s

London - Pall Mall, Looking East c1890s - N248

Pall Mall looking East in London c1890s

London - Pall Mall, Pall Mall East c1890s - N4967

Pall Mall looking East in London c1890s

London - Panoramic View from Westminster Cathedral c1930s - N307

Westminster Cathedral in London c1930s

London - Parliament Square & Cab Rank c1900s - N718

Houses of Parliament with Big Ben, Parliament Square with Cabs and a Cab Rank in London c1900s